Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Lately I've been thinking about the gaps in my life. One gap is the space between what I know and what I live. We can spend our lives learning about God and His Word. And we are right to do so. But knowledge can puff us up with pride. There are many people who know far more about the Bible than I will ever know. Some of them do not know God. God is not impressed with what we know. In fact, I think we will be held accountable for the distance between what we know and what we live.

The answer is not to learn less, but to close the gap by living what we know. We can do this by experiencing the presence of God every day. We get to know someone best by spending time with them. We can also close the gap by practicing what we know He wants us to do. Serve others, be holy, treat others as being more important than ourselves, love justice, walk humbly before the Lord, feed the hungry, be Jesus to others, seek His will, walk in the Light, turn the other cheek, love our enemies, give joyfully, stop judging people, forgive freely, love outrageously, and share the Good News of Jesus unashamedly. Feel free to add to this list.

To know good and not to do it is sin. Lord, help me to walk my talk, to stop being a hypocrite, and to practice what I preach. Today, with Your help, I will narrow the gap.

1 comment:

Catherine (Wallin) Milroy said...

Thanks Tom. You've hit the nail on the head. I have been working to close the gaps in my own life - glad to know I'm not alone. Read a marvelous book recently called "Simply Jesus and You" by Joe Stowell (former President of Moody Bible Institute) which gives an interesting perspective on the "fishers of men" parable. We forget that Jesus' entire focus is people - and He expects nothing less of us. I highly recommend this book to all Believer's. You can get thru it in less than 2 hours, but I recommend chewing slowly!

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